Michael Bolton英文歌That's What Love Is All About那就是所謂愛情的一回事+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文學習

That's What Love Is All About


作詞: Michael Bolton, E. Kaz

作曲: Michael Bolton, E. Kaz

原唱: Michael Bolton




影片(Michael Bolton演唱)提供者:05vs1

There was a time曾經有一回

We thought our dream was over我倆都認為夢醒時份到了

When you and I當你和我

Had surely reached the end都一定走到了盡頭

Still here we are  但現在 我倆做到了

The flame as strong as ever那股火花依舊如此激烈

All because we both kept holding on全都是因為我倆堅持頂住了

We know we can weather any storm 知道我們能抵禦任何風暴


Baby, that's what love is all about寶貝 那就是所謂愛情的一回事

Two hearts that find a way, somehow兩顆總有辦法能找到方向的心

To keep the fire burning 以維持我倆之間的火燃燒著

It's something we could never live without有我倆沒有它便活不下去 東西

If it takes forever雖然要等好久

We can work it out我倆可克服

Beyond a shadow of a doubt毋庸置疑的

Baby, that's what love is all about那就是所謂愛情的一回事


As time goes by隨著時光流逝

We've learned to rediscover我倆已學會重新發現

The reason why這就是為什麼

This dream of our survives我倆倖存下來的夢想

Through thick and thin歷經甘苦

We're destined for each other我倆注定為彼此相扶持

Knowing we can reach the other side明知我倆能抵達對岸

Far beyond the mountains of our pride跨越了那比山還要高的我倆榮耀感


Baby, that's what love is all about寶貝 那就是所謂愛情的一回事

Two hearts that find a way, somehow兩顆總有辦法能找到方向的心

To keep the fire burning 以維持我倆之間的火燃燒著

It's something we could never live without有我倆沒有它便活不下去 東西

If it takes forever雖然要等好久

We can work it out我倆可克服

Beyond a shadow of a doubt毋庸置疑的

Baby, that's what love is all about那就是所謂愛情的一回事


Ridin' the good times is easy享受美好的時光很簡單

The hard times can tear you apart艱苦的時間卻能撕裂你

There'll be times in your heart在你心裏經歷過多次之後

When the feelin' is gone當愛的感覺消逝時

But ya keep on believing繼續相信

And ya keep holdin' on然後繼續堅持下去


Baby, that's what love is all about那就是所謂愛情的一回事

Two hearts that find a way, somehow兩顆總有辦法能找到方向的心

To keep the dream from dying以免夢想瀕臨消滅

It's something we could never live without有我倆沒有它便活不下去 東西

If it takes forever雖然要等好久

We can work it out 我倆可克服

Beyond a shadow of a doubt毋庸置疑的

Baby, that's what love is all about那就是所謂愛情的一回事


what… is all about=所謂...的一回事There was a time=Once upon a time=曾經有一回to be over=玩完了,結束了here ... are/is=...做到了,就是了as ever=依舊=日文的まま(不是媽媽哦)to keep holding on=堅持頂住了weather=氣候,經受住somehow=總有辦法it takes forever=要等好久forever做很久解work it out=克服,找出解決的辦法Beyond a shadow of a doubt=字面上是超越一片疑慮的陰影,也就是毋庸置疑的As time goes by=隨著時光流逝As做隨著解Through thick and thin=成語的歷經甘苦Ridin' the good times is easy=享受美好的時光Riding雖是騎乘,搭乘之意,但此處做享受解to tear...apart=撕裂撕開ya=youkeep on=繼續holdin' on=holding on=堅持下去to keep…from=以免...

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