Akiko Kobayashi英文歌Fall in love墜入情網+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文學習

Fall in love


作詞: -

作曲: 小林明子

原唱: Akiko Kobayashi




影片(Akiko Kobayashi)提供者:high_note Music Lounge

If my wishes can be true如果我的願望能夠實現的話

Will you change my sighs你會將我的嘆息改變成

To roses whiter roses玫瑰 更白的玫瑰

Decorate them for you為你將它們裝飾起來嗎

Thinking about you every night每一晚當我想起你時

And find out where I am才發現自己的所在處

I am not living in your heart我並沒有活在你心裏


Darling, I want you親愛的 我要你

Need to be with you我需要你在我身邊

Can't keep myself still我無法保持自己冷靜

Heart craves for your love內心渴望著你的愛

Just like a lost child像個迷路的小孩

Standing here alone獨自在這裏佇立

By your side I want to be我要儘可能地快

As soon as it can be 而到你身旁(倒裝句)

Can't stop you, can't hold you我無法阻止你 無法擁抱你

Can't wait no more但我再也等不下去

I'm just a woman fall in love我只是個墜入情網的女人


Happiness is not for me幸福與我無緣

To steal away with force而被強行偷走

This is all reality這全是事實

So sad to know it's true明白這是真的是很可悲的

First touch of prism第一次碰觸稜鏡

And through it I see透過它 我看見了

Your warmest and the most loving eyes你最溫暖與迷人的眼神


Darling I need you親愛的 我需要你

Helpless I feel inside我卻覺得內心萬分無助

I have a wish never to be said我有個從未說出來的願望

Want you, I need you stay by my side我需要你陪伴在我身旁

Weekends won't go by without you on my mind週末不會沒有你在我心中而流逝

Can't stop you, can't hold you我無法阻止你 無法擁抱你

Can't wait no more但我再也等不下去

I'm just a woman fall in love我只是個墜入情網的女人


Darling, you love me親愛的 你愛我吧

Can't wait to hear your voices and your words等不及去聆聽你的聲音與言語

Need it now no later我現在要但不要太遲

Nights that I spend alone那些我獨處的夜晚

Thinking about you here想著你就在這裏

Peace is not with me我的內心無法平靜下來

Don't know what to do我不知該怎麼辦

Can't stop you, can't hold you我無法阻止你 無法擁抱你

Can't wait no more但我再也等不下去

I'm just a woman fall in love我只是個墜入情網的女人


Don't you remember難道你不記得

When you were here without a thinking你毫不猶豫地來到我身邊的時候

We were caught in fire我倆陷入熾熱的火中

I've got a love song我曾擁有一首愛之歌

But where it goes ? 但如今去了哪裏

Three loving hearts are pulling apart of one三顆愛戀的心正撕裂了其中一顆

Can't stop you, can't hold you我無法阻止你 無法擁抱你

Can't wait no more但我再也等不下去

I'm just a woman fall in love我只是個墜入情網的女人

I'm just a woman fall in love我只是個墜入情網的女人


fall in love=墜入情網crave for=渴望著...As soon as it can be=儘可能地快Happiness is not for me字面上幸福不是給我的=幸福與我無緣go by=流逝、經過spend alone=獨處、獨自度過to be caught in=陷入...pull apart=撕裂了



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